Collective transport. A spatial analysis in the city of recife, Brazil

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Developed countries have related the lack of access to public transport to disadvantage and social exclusion, and many methods have been developed for the spatial measurement of the public transport supply aimed at equity in relation to socially disadvantaged groups, and for improvements in transport systems. These methods are still incipient in Latin America, although interventions to improve transport quality are an essential political requirement in urban governance. This paper is part of a PhD thesis, aiming the methodological development for the identification and evaluation of spatial gaps in the supply and demand of public transport causing social disadvantage in the Brazilian city of Recife. It is based on methodologies such as Needs-gap (Currie, 2010), PTAL (Transport for London, 2010), PTAI (Saghapour et al, 2016), and other methods analyzed. The objective of the paper is the critical analysis of the approaches that deal with these aspects, both in terms of social disadvantages due to the difficulty in accessing or even having public transport, as well as in the part related to the detection and analysis of spatial gaps in the supply and demand for public transport in urban areas of large cities. Based on the review carried out, it is possible to base the methodological development intended for the thesis study area, which can also be used for other cities in the world.
Book of proceedings: Annual AESOP Congress, Spaces of Dialog for Places of Dignity, Lisbon, 11-14th July, 2017
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