Publication: Participative approach for developing national level green infrastructure policy: a reflection on Slovenian spatial development strategy
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This paper addresses three issues: 1. First, the contents (outcomes), as well as the process of the development of Slovenian spatial development strategy 2030 (SPRS 2030) will be presented. SPRS is the strategic national planning document, which was adopted in 2004 and is currently in the process of revision. 2. Second, green infrastructure planning within the SPRS will be discussed. 3. And third, the findings from the evaluation study, explicitly analyzing the vertical and horizontal integration potential will be presented.
Slovenian spatial development strategy is a national strategic planning document. The strategy was adopted in 2004 and it’s currently under the process of revision. The whole process follows the policy development cycle and can be divided in three basic steps: (1) first, spatial policy is adopted/developed, (2) second, measures and projects are implemented, and (3) third, the implementation of measures and projects is evaluated. After SPRS was adopted in 2004, several studies and evaluation reports have been prepared from to evaluate spatial development and the implementation of SPRS: Zero report on the status of spatial planning (Černe and Kušar, 2005), An analysis of current situation, development trends and guidelines for Slovenia spatial development (Pogačnik et al., 2011), SPRS 2030 - An analysis of the implementation of SPRS programmes and measures (Golobič et al., 2014). In 2016 Report on spatial development of Slovenia (Miklavčič et al., 2016) was prepared as a synthesis of all aforementioned reports. It also serves as expert groundwork for the preparation of new spatial development strategy.
Book of proceedings: Annual AESOP Congress, Spaces of Dialog for Places of Dignity, Lisbon, 11-14th July, 2017
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