The profile of risk governance (in municipal planning) in Portugal

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This paper aims to define a risk governance profile for hazards with direct intervention in spatial planning, considering the various perspectives involved in Portugal. In risk management, relations between the different levels of the State acquire a successively relevant role, taking into account approaches of cooperation between the national, regional and local actors. Recognizing for the Portuguese case, the weight and influence of the State in the management of risks and the growing diversity of actors and interests involved in land use planning, we question the distribution of responsibilities in risk management among government actors at different geographical levels (local, regional, national) and, beyond the State, which stakeholders and interests. Based on an adaptation of the model proposed by Walker et al. (2013), a risk governance profile was defined for Portugal for hazards\risks with direct intervention in spatial planning, considering the various perspectives involved. In order to support the identification of the governance profile, an online questionnaire was built and an email was sent to the target public, in 2014. Unlike the model advocated by Walker et al. (2013), where a qualitative and non-measurable risk governance profile is chosen, the adaptation of the survey considered an evaluation scale. The identification of the different stakeholders involved in risk management was based on the information obtained from the literature review, analysis of the legislation and discussion with some of the key actors in the field of civil protection. Among other conclusions, the obtained risk governance profile highlight a relevant role of local government actors in the decision-making process, a low culture of multi-stakeholder participation\involvement, and infrequent and limited risk public communication. At the same time, it showed the interest manifested by the technicians of the local administrations focused on the decision on the spatial development, guaranteeing compliance with the legislation. The importance of the risk governance profile derives from the possibility it offers in the identification, evaluation, management and communication of risk, as well as a relevant basis for the development of a spatial decision making support system on the transformation of land uses that integrates the analysis of natural and technological risks.
Book of proceedings: Annual AESOP Congress, Spaces of Dialog for Places of Dignity, Lisbon, 11-14th July, 2017
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