Green infrastructure as emerging opportunities for inclusiveness. complexity and dynamics in Munich northern region

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Journal Issue
Munich is a growing city and is one of the most competitive metropolitan areas in Germany, characterised by a dense concentration of functions developed through complex and dynamic ecological, social and economic networks acting at city, region and global levels. The increase of landscape consumption due to settlement and traffic is accordingly above average and accounted for 6% between 2004 and 2010. The population of the City of Munich, currently about 1.5 Mio., is expected to grow by approximately 230,000 inhabitants until 2030. With around 7% the expected population growth between 2010 and 2030 is nowhere else as high in Germany; the actual number of population for the whole region is around 5,5 Mio. Within the city, the population density is one of the highest in Germany, with 47 residents per hectare. 39% of the residents are foreigners or Germans with a migration background. Population growth and urban development are increasing putting pressure on the urban green spaces. On the other hand, those trends reclaim the development of connected green blue infrastructure for recreation and other social benefits. Moreover, on-going social and environmental changes, such as the diversity of cultures and lifestyles, and the growing requirements for a healthy and resilient city already influence the space development of Munich at various levels, posing several intertwined challenges to the different stakeholders.
Book of proceedings: Annual AESOP Congress, Spaces of Dialog for Places of Dignity, Lisbon, 11-14th July, 2017
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