Publication: Innovation management technology standards as a tool for participatory strategies in urban regeneration of prefabricated housing estates
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The central goal of the project is to investigate the living environment of low quality in residential areas in the cities, which mutually need improvement and regeneration in the scope of future sustainable urban development. The most problematic questions are being raised during the last decades about the marginal and post-socialist prefabricated housing estates built during the 1950-80s in EU. However, the inhabitants as core users of these housing areas are not fully participating in the development initiatives for revitalization on one hand, and have not been given due attention by the city to express their needs and expectations on the other hand. The main documents which contextualize the research are EU Urban Agenda and, especially, the New Urban Agenda by United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III), which give value to the citizens; recognize the importance and prioritize their participation in the city development, urban regeneration. The research is focused on the development of interoperable connections between urban environment of low liveability and the inhabitant through participation strategies, understanding the role of innovation (regenerative and participative) for efficient public participation. It is considered to narrow this focus to Poland as the case study country because Poland is one of the countries in Central Europe, which received post-socialist prefabricated large housing estates built between 1960 and 1990 with population of over 8 million people, flats in large housing estates are estimated as 35% of the overall number of dwellings in Poland.
Book of proceedings: Annual AESOP Congress, Spaces of Dialog for Places of Dignity, Lisbon, 11-14th July, 2017
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