Schools as instruments of neighbourhoods

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The paper discusses the importance of bringing different professions and actors together in order to create new approaches to deal with challenges in multicultural and socially diverse neighbourhoods. It puts its focus on education in neighbourhoods and points out that urban planning cannot be reduced to the physical environment but needs to include social issues for neighbourhood development. The paper concentrates on the project “Campus Rütli-CR²” in the district of Berlin-Neukölln, which is the concept of integrating primary and secondary schools to a community school imbedded in an education network of day cares and recreational facilities as well as social institutions and education projects. Campus Rütli-CR² understands itself as a living environment with the target of a positive neighbourhood development and identifies the multicultural diversity as a great opportunity (Bezirksamt Neukölln von Berlin, 20151). Based on own researches, the paper discusses the significance of schools as part of neighbourhoods Many areas with special development needs are facing the problem that well-educated parents are moving once their child reaches school age (Häussermann, 2006). Schools are one cause of segregation tendencies within cities which spatial planning needs to consider (Frank, 2011). In this paper I am arguing that education networks and schools are essential instruments for neighbourhoods which ask spatial planning to work closely together with professions of the field of pedagogues.
Book of proceedings: Annual AESOP Congress, Definite Space – Fuzzy Responsibility, Prague, 13-16th July, 2015
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