Emerging governance models in the innovation of urban services: risks and opportunities

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The proposed paper considers that cities are facing challenges to maintain urban infrastructure and establish efficient, open and participative innovation processes to jointly create the applications and services able to respond to citizens’ needs and to develop more inclusive and democratic urban processes. It accounts urban services as crucial factors for the innovation of urban governance. In particular, it focuses on public-place keeping services as paradigmatic examples of an active participation of citizens and different kind of institutions to the maintenance, creation and reactivation of public space within an innovation perspective. These public-place keeping services are potentials activators of the so-called 4P model (Private, Public, People Partnerships). In fact during the last decades it was suggested that it is possible to establish public-private partnerships (PPPs) for services supply so integrating the potentials of both the sides public and private (Osborne and Brown, 2011a). Nevertheless, many criticisms have been raised against PPPs that are charged to not be a real occasion of cooperation (Jessop, 2002; Miraftab, 2004). Some scholars begin to consider the potentials of new possible models for the management of public services. This paper, analysing two case studies from two different European cities (Athens and Rotterdam), will focus on which can be the role of the public sector in defining/envisioning possible futures in a 4Ps perspective.
Book of proceedings: Annual AESOP Congress, Definite Space – Fuzzy Responsibility, Prague, 13-16th July, 2015
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