Life service TOD space organization and place creation from the perspective of people

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The establishment of the comprehensive hub station has brought about an increase in the flow of people, which is regarded as a positive benefit of the comprehensive development of TOD. With the construction of the station, the surrounding area is not only a transfer station for people, but also a dynamic place for people to stay, communicate, create and even work and live about the flow of people. Based on the fact that the human-station-city mode of TOD4.0 model is the mainstream of revitalizing the block and driving the development of the area, the development of the Intelligence-human-station-city mode of TOD5.0 model is proposed for the first time, emphasizing more accurate demand perception, more accurate element allocation, more accurate spatial link and more accurate development timing, reflecting the human perspective design and human concern. Based on the project practice and the problems of parking difficulty, lack of rest area and inconvenient transfer in TOD spatial organization from the perspective of people, this paper explores the development process of life service TOD with people's destination as the end point and people's activities as the core to provide service support of different layers of station-core area-surrounding area-whole city. Explore the life service TOD space organization and place construction from the perspective of people in the new stage. Keywords: human perspective; Communication; Interaction; Contact; Grey space; Positive space; design
Book of proceedings: 35th AESOP Annual Congress Integrated planning in a world of turbulence, Łódź, 11-15th July, 2023
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