Economic policy and spatial planning. The case study of the special economic zone

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Regional policy, which basically lies in the balancing of spatial disparities, combined with the optimization of the efficiency of placements, make up the spatial development policy, which is implemented through planning. This proposal is about incorporating, coordinating, and attempting to balance economic policies and spatial planning in the European Union and Greece. The most widespread tool is the Special Economic Zone (SEZ), which is based on economic policy and spatial agglomeration theories. SEZ involves issues of urban development, such as location, size, the distance from the existence of resources and raw materials, connection to networks and infrastructure, etc. The effectiveness resulted from a study of three examples; Ireland, China and the most active in Europe, the Polish Zone. In Greece, there is no institutionalised SEZ, even though the issue is not unprecedented and returns to the debate at regular intervals. In conclusion, three (3) pillars are recognised for the achievement of the SEZ in a country: (i) the correlation of the strategic approach of the SEZ and the development policy; (ii) the strategic dynamism, regarding the risk of such a venture both for business investors and for the state; and (iii) implementation. To the above, a fourth pillar the integrated approach to spatial planning outside the zone could be added. Keywords: Special economic zone, spatial planning, spatial agglomeration, economic policy, free taxes
Book of proceedings: 35th AESOP Annual Congress Integrated planning in a world of turbulence, Łódź, 11-15th July, 2023
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