The governance of conservation of historic cities in eastern asian countries
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In recent two decades, the richness and diversity of historic cities in Eastern Asian countries are seriously suffered due to the rapid and tremendous urban transformations both in the urbanized and urbanizing countries. In spite of the great efforts paid throughout these countries, including the law enforcement, the policy and program implementations, and the extensive involvements of the multiple actors, however the result is still unstable and unpredictable along with the symptoms such as the constructive destroys, the massive tourism, the gentrification as well as the urban poverty and social declines, especially at the local level. Therefore rather to be narrowed on the individual measures and the single countries, the study consisted of the systematic analysis to each single country level and a comprehensive comparison among the countries, is going to identify the urban conservation governance characteristics at the sub-regional level underneath the analogous phenomenon among the countries and their common deficiencies, including the basic logic for the conservation governance, the general patterns, the implementation of the policies by inventing the instruments, the mechanisms and the multiple actors and their performances, based on the empirical analysis and the comparisons between the countries with the methodologies of the literature studies, the case studies, the site investigations, and the expert consultations.
Proceedings of the IV World Planning Schools Congress, July 3-8th, 2016 : Global crisis, planning and challenges to spatial justice in the north and in the south
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