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I am pleased to be able to introduce to you a very welcome publication on the European Urban Summer School which took place in Wrocław in September of 2010 thanks to the hard work of the Wrocław University of Technology’s School of Architecture with the support of our UN-HABITAT office in Warsaw. I also want to thank the partner institutions in this project: our main partner Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP) ISOCARP and EURA, as well as the Lower Silesia Marshall Office and the City of Wrocław local authorities for their cooperation and support. As a result, at a 10 day summer school over 20 lecturers and 50 students from all over Europe had a chance to meet and look at practical cases of how to create a balance between heritage and development.
It is published at a time when many countries in Europe are re-defining urban planning. That redefinition has to take place because urban Europe is contending with challenges of depopulation of cities, urban sprawl and the need for revitalisation of inner city areas. It is increasingly difficult to deny that the downgrading of planning has contributed to the problems being experienced. Not only does that lead to development which does not include adequate provision for public space or infrastructure but it can also contribute to exacerbating environmental problems.
Book of proceedings: Urban change : The prospect of transformation
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