Approaching sustainable green and blue solutions in order to compensate grey streams of traffic

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This paper is aiming to explicate how the planning course named “Possible Cities” is trying to have an impact in the discussions around Helsinki City Master Plan. The course is a studio on Master’s level in the department of architecture, at Aalto ARTS. The outlined learning outcomes in the studio “Possible Cities” are relatively extensive, and after successfully finishing the course the students should be able to recognize different elements of the community structure like the landscape, land use, production and service and the networks connecting these. They are also expected to know how to apply in the planning central data describing communities and describe the factors changing the community structure, different scale levels, and the urban region as a dynamic system. The should be capable to draw up a draft for a partial disposition or master plan or strategic master plan draft in teamwork together with other student from different fields. During the course they should act productively in the group in different roles because that is seen crucial in the professional life of planners. The New Helsinki City master plan process has been going on from 2012. In the Vision 2050 Helsinki is a part of the region and belongs to the network of European big cities. The growth of knowledge intensive industries and the resulting economic modalities shape the trend of strategic planning. Helsinki will be a network city with good rail traffic and an expanding main centre where some high ways will be developed into boulevards for new housing, and this is called Urban Boulevardization.
Proceedings of the IV World Planning Schools Congress, July 3-8th, 2016 : Global crisis, planning and challenges to spatial justice in the north and in the south
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