CoRep Meeting , Madrid, 12 March 2015

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AGENDA 9:00-9:15 Registration and coffee 9:15-11:15 Welcome address by Francesco Lo Piccolo President's Statement by Francesco Lo Piccolo Secretary's General Report by Izabela Mironowicz including ratification of the new AESOP member: Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon Selection of the host of the AESOP Congress 2017 and PhD Workshop 2016 Rapporteur: Gerhard Schimak Bid 1: University of Glasgow Presented by Amin Kamete Bid 2: University of Gothenburg (in collaboration with Chalmers University of Technology, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Blekinge Institute of Technology) Presented by Krister Olsson and Bosse Lagerqvist Bid 3: University of Lisbon (IGOT, IST and FA) Presented by Sofia Morgado, José Antunes Ferreira and José Manuel Simões Bid for AESOP PhD Workshop 2016 available in the Files Repository: University of Leuven Presented by Jan Schreurs Bids for AESOP Congress 2017 are available in the Files Repository. 11:15-11:30 Coffee break 11:30-13:15 GPEAN Report by Ela Bablik-Sutcliffe Young Academics Report by Lauren Ugur AESOP Projects Reports including: Quality Recognition for the European Dimension in Planning Programmes Project Rapporteur: Francesco Lo Piccolo In Planning Digital Platform Rapporteur: Gert de Roo European Urban Summer School (EUSS), AESOP Identity Project, Brussels European Liaison Office (BELO) & EU Projects Rapporteur: Izabela Mironowicz Treasurer’s Report and Budget 2015 (including Project Budgets) Rapporteur Thomas Matta Presentation of the 2015 AESOP Congress in Prague and PhD Workshop in Stara Lesna Rapporteurs: Karel Maier and Maroš Finka AOB Conclusions and closing by Francesco Lo Piccolo This item contanis the following documents: aesop-assets-2014-23-02-2015.pdf aesop-budget-2015-27-02-2015.pdf aesop-financial-audit-2014-23-02-2015.pdf aesop-financial-statement-2014-23-02-2015.pdf aesop-green-policy-21-02-2015.doc aesop-online-journal-concept-note-21-02-2015.doc aesop-s-inplanning-04-03-2015.doc aesop-treasurers-report-2014-27-02-2015.pdf applications-for-aesop-project-budgets-23-02-2015.xls bid-for-aesop-congress-2017-glasgow-1-of-2-13-02-2015.pdf bid-for-aesop-congress-2017-glasgow-2-of-2-13-02-2015.pdf bid-for-aesop-congress-2017-gothenburg-1-of-4-13-02-2015.pdf bid-for-aesop-congress-2017-gothenburg-2-of-4-13-02-2015.jpg bid-for-aesop-congress-2017-gothenburg-3-of-4-13-02-2015.pdf bid-for-aesop-congress-2017-gothenburg-4-of-4-13-02-2015.pdf bid-for-aesop-congress-2017-lisbon-1-of-1-13-02-2015.pdf bid-for-aesop-phd-workshop-2016-ku-leuven-09-03-2015.pdf corep-meeting-12-03-2015-in-madrid-agenda-27-02-2015.pdf corep-presentation-12-03-2015-26-04-2015.doc council-of-representatives-meeting-07-07-2014-in-utrecht-minutes-08-10-2014.pdf
CoRep meeting, Utrecht, 2015, material, agenda