Study on methods to solve population loss in rural areas of China - From the perspective of urban and rural development
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Until the end of 2014, the rate of urbanization in China has exceeded to 54.77%, which means more than half of China's population has come into the city. The following urban problems are serious, since most of the cities are overloaded. Particularly in metropolis and megacities, environment and resources are under great pressure. Meanwhile, the population density of rural areas is decreasing to a extremely low level.
The gap of development level between rural area and the city has already been great. A lack of developing motivation, lagging in agricultural science and technology, makes it difficult for rural areas to face the serious problems. Furthermore, losing population causes things to turn even worse. Therefore, in order to ensure the harmonious development of both urban and rural areas, promoting rural development has become the core issue of urban and rural development research. However, the key point of the promotion is how to guide squires or Innovators back to their hometown and train more capable people.
Proceedings of the IV World Planning Schools Congress, July 3-8th, 2016 : Global crisis, planning and challenges to spatial justice in the north and in the south
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