The European Urban Summer School (EUSS) and the Young Planning Professionals Award (YPPA)

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In 2010, the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP) launched a new annual event: the European Urban Summer School (EUSS) for young planning practitioners and academics across Europe to promote an exchange of ideas and foster a debate on important contemporary planning issues amongst representatives of the new generation of planning professionals. Members of AESOP – European universities teaching planning – host the event and offer their teaching resources at the Summer Schools. Tutors do not get any fee for their work; the EUSS is not a commercial venture. It is meant as a platform of debate to be run on as low as possible fee for participants. On average some 20-30 young professionals attend the School. The first EUSS was held in September 2010 at the Wrocław University of Technology, Poland. The topic was Heritage and Sustainability. Izabela Mironowicz was head of school. The proceedings of EUSS 2010 have been published in “Urban Change. The Prospect of Transformation” edited by Izabela Mironowicz and Judth Ryser (ISBN978-83-7493-570-8) and sponsored by UN-Habitat. The book is also available for downloading in pdf format from the AESOP website and is ready for comments on the AESOP Digital Platform ‘InPlanning’. For the second EUSS, hosted by Lusófona University in Lisbon, Portugal in September 2011, AESOP invited four of its international planning partner organisations to be involved in the Summer School: the European Council of Spatial Planners-Conseil Européen des Urbanistes (ECTP-CEU), the European Urban Research Association (EURA), the International Federation for Housing and Planning (IFHP) and the International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP). Diogo Mateus was head of school and the topic was: Quality of Space – Quality of Life. Unfortunately a sponsor has not been found to enable a book of the proceedings to be published.
Sustainability in heritage protected areas : Book of Proceedings of the 5th AESOP European Urban Summer School Tours, France, from 1st – 8th September 2014
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