Derek Martin (NL) : International Federation for Housing and Planning (IFHP)

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Has been the CEO of the International Federation for Housing and Planning (IFHP) since the end of 2007. He has a Masters in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Amsterdam. As policy officer at the former National Physical Planning Agency in The Hague (NL), he worked in the Benelux Structure Plan, and on European planning collaboration within the framework of the Council of Europe. In 1987-88 he worked at DG Environment at the European Commission where he helped set up the CORINE Land Cover programme. After working on the cross border and European dimension of the Dutch 4th National Planning Report, he spent another 3 years (1990-93) at the European Commission working on the development of the spatial dimension of EU regional economic policy. Worked on the further elaboration of European spatial planning policy, which produced new European instruments (ESPON, INTERREG) and policy documents (ESDP). For almost 10 years, he was Head of International Spatial Policy, and then of Sustainable Spatial Development at the Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment.
Quality of Space – Quality of Life : Planning for Urban Needs of diverse timeframes. 2nd AESOP European Urban Summer School 2011, Lisbon
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