Who builts local scale and what for? Redings from the expansion area of Belém

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This article assumes the perspective of dialectic interaction between morphological and sociological elements, following Lefebvre (1999), to understand the emerging logic of urban space structuring and of social organization in Belém’s expansion area, assuming spatial attributes and social relationships as main evidences. The occupation of the expansion area of Belém dates back to the mid-1960s, period of intensification of capital and people flows, when the Amazon region was the target of federal interventions that aimed to promote Brazilian Amazon’s spatial and economic integration and the boost national development. Amazon was late and quickly integrated to economies of more industrialized regions of Brazil, and had as side-effects the breakdown of traditional way of life and the deepening of existing socioeconomic imbalances. Regional processes (integration, migration and economic crisis) intensified the occupation of the expansion area of Belém, structured along the axis of Av. Augusto Montenegro, which caused a growth rate for this area three times the national average during the 1980s (TRINDADE JR, 1998). Since then the area has been occupied by different spatial patterns here assumed as typologies, that correspond to the performance of different agents producers of the urban space, and strongly rely on marketing for the development of the area, thanks to its location within the metropolitan context, and despite the precariousness of urban infrastructure available.
Proceedings of the IV World Planning Schools Congress, July 3-8th, 2016 : Global crisis, planning and challenges to spatial justice in the north and in the south
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