Research on multi-level public space system planning strategy in historical and cultural block based on the concept of "collage city" - taking Beijing Moshikou historical and cultural block as an example

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In China, historical and cultural blocks serve as the material carrier of traditional culture and resident life in the city, as well as an important area for protecting local culture, inheriting historical culture and displaying urban style. In the transformation and renewal stage of the city, the protection and renewal of historical blocks has become a hot topic of research and discussion. Based on the life and leisure needs of residents in historical and cultural blocks, this paper firstly interprets the concept of ‘collage city’, emphasizes the integration and coordination of spaces and surrounding population demand, land use function and style, and proposes a planning idea. Secondly, taking the Beijing Moshikou historical and cultural block as an example, realize the diversified and systematic public space system through the three-level planning of ‘node-tour line-region’. Meanwhile, we plan festival activities to promote neighbourhood relations and tourism development, and encourage community residents to participate in the planning process through time series construction. In the end, in the historical and cultural districts, the use of collage techniques to promote the integration of multiculturalism, coordinate the balance between tourism development and residents' lives, and achieve sustainable urban transformation.
Sustainable urban transformation, Public space, Landscape technique, Public participation