CoRep Meeting Thessaloniki, 10 March 2016

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AGENDA Welcome address (FLP) 1. President’s Statement (FLP) 2. Approval of the CoRep Meeting Minutes and Resolutions from Prague (FLP, PP) F 3. Report on the WPSC in Rio, 2016 (GS, EBS, PP) 4. Report on the PhD Workshop in Leuven (GS) 5. Ratification of AESOP new members (PP) F a. Department of Architecture, University of Cyprus, Associate Member b. TUM Department of Architecture, University of Technology Munich, Associate Member c. Public and Private Policy Department, ESSEC Business School, Associate Member d. William Glover, Individual Member 11:00 – 11:15 Coffee Break 6. Financial matters (ThM) F 7. Suspension of members (ThM, PP) F 8. Regulation of AESOP Projects (ThM, PP) F 9. National Representatives Elections (FLP, PP) F 10. Election of AESOP Event Officer 2016-2020 (PP) F 12:30 – 14:00 Lunch Break 14:00 11. Quality Recognition of Planning Programmes (FLP, AG, PP) F a. Certificates 12. AESOP Publications (PP) F b. Cooperation with Routledge 13. GPEAN Report (EBS) F 14. AESOP Transactions project (EBS) F 15. Progress report on the InPlanning project (FLP, PP) F 16:00 – 16:15 Coffee Break 16. YA Network Report (NC) F 17. Best Published Paper Prize: New Committee Members F 18. Projects Submissions for Financial Support 19. AOBaesop-assets-2015-27-02-2016.pdf This item contains the following documents: aesop-budget-2016-27-02-2016.pdf aesop-financial-audit-2015-27-02-2016.pdf aesop-financial-statement-2015-27-02-2016.pdf aesop-s-inplanning-07-03-2016.pdf aesop-treasurer-s-report-2015-27-02-2016.pdf agenda-of-the-corep-meeting-10th-march-2016-thessaloniki-29-02-2016.pdf application-for-events-officer-zorica-nedovic-budic-02-03-2016.pdf application-for-events-officer-zorica-nedovic-budic-02-03-2016 (1).pdf draft-minutes-corep-meeting-15th-july-2015-prague-29-02-2016.doc draft-resolutions-corep-meeting-15th-july-2015-prague-29-02-2016.doc gpean-report-march-2016-01-03-2016.pdf inpanning-2016-presentation-07-03-2016.ppt moa-aesop-routledge-09-03-2016.doc quality-recognition-certificates-report-03-03-2016.pdf regulation-of-aesop-projects-10-03-2016.doc transactions-of-aesop-journal-budget-proposal-01-03-2016.pdf transactions-of-aesop-journal-progress-report-01-03-2016.pdf
CoRep meeting, Thessaloniki, 2016