Bicycle transportation in Brazilian cities: motivations and challenges

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The current scenario of urban mobility in Brazilian metropolitan areas is critical. Urban mobility has a direct impact on social and environmental dimensions. The environmental and life quality provided in a city are inherent to the mobility infrastructure. In this context, the active transport - defined here as cycling and walking - plays a key role in building a more sustainable city. Despite the central importance of active transport, the knowledge about the motivations and difficulties related to walking and cycling in Brazilian cities is still scarce. This background brings a major challenge for policy makers, Non-Government Organizations and other actors involved in project development and implementation of public policies aimed at active transport. Focusing on the bicycles transport, this article aims to present the results of the first Brazilian national survey about the motivations and challenges for the use of the bicycle as a urban transportation, as well as the profile of users of this means of transport. This study was conducted through a partnership between the Sustainable Mobility Lab of the Post Graduate Program in Urbanism from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – PROURB/UFRJ, the Non-Government Organization Transporte Ativo and the Research Center Observatório das Metrópoles. The questionnaires were applied by a network of researchers related to the subject between June and August 2015 and were tabulated in September 2015 for further analysis.
Proceedings of the IV World Planning Schools Congress, July 3-8th, 2016 : Global crisis, planning and challenges to spatial justice in the north and in the south
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