Growth, permanence and possibilities: analysing cities in Amazon region

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Think about urban planning in the periphery (from the periphery) of the capital, it is no simple task. In addition to the high informality rates, the low priority given to the urban design by the plans and the appropriation of urbanization models created to other contexts, the periphery seems doomed to repeat the mistakes of the big urban centers, with no room for innovation or to map a different trajectory. Turns out, this turn of the century, we live in a unique time in the history of cities, there was never so much accumulated knowledge about cities and its access was never so easy. From North to South of the planet is possible to share experiences and clearly realize that there is not just one way to "progress". This article focuses on cities in the Amazon region - the last part of Brazil encompassed by the urban-industrial rationality shaped by northern countries - and where many cities are still in the process of restructuring and consolidation, and may create another history than a preset future of social and environmental degradation. The Amazon region occupies a large part of Brazil, but there are few studies focusing on its urbanization process and its peculiarities. Despite the driving force that urban centers could have on environmental preservation, cities and their inhabitants are not part of the claims and environmental debates centered in the biome and its role in other regions.
Proceedings of the IV World Planning Schools Congress, July 3-8th, 2016 : Global crisis, planning and challenges to spatial justice in the north and in the south
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