Cities and Social Movements in International Arena
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The State–Nation crisis and the privatization of the state enterprisers in the neo-liberal globalization state formed the foundations to configure the minimum State. Global cities and transnational enterprisers were the agents to this neo-liberal globalization system. The configuration pointed to the prominence of the local government instead of the National State. However the 2008 –financial crisis restores these political agents and appears the State-Nation as an agent in the globalization arena. The action of cities in the international context and the recognition of its role in this field, states the need of further examination to verify if they are actually political actors, although this role have been exclusively fulfilled by central governments. The problem is assuming that globalization has changed the way of making politics as well as impacting in different levels such as the national, the regional and the local administration. The global and the local, the virtual and the real have changed the way which cities and the social movements perform their international political relations. It will be possible to notice how globalization has changed the institutional structures, in which the relations were more balanced, predictable and static some time ago. There are different economical, social, cultural, technological and political-institutional factors that had influenced the construction of this new globalization context. The objectives in analyze this phenomenon.
Proceedings of the IV World Planning Schools Congress, July 3-8th, 2016 : Global crisis, planning and challenges to spatial justice in the north and in the south
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