The XIV AESOP Congress in Brno, 19.-22. July 2000
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Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia
The XIV European Congress of the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP)2 was ceremonially opened on Wed- nesday 19 July 2000 in the Ro- tunda of Pavilion A at Brno Exhi- bition Centre. The motto of this year«s congress was »Planning at a Turning Point«. The most im- portant event in AESOP«s pro- gramme is its annual congress, where a broad spectrum of work from individual schools is put for- ward. It also features presenta- tion of scientific research work and educational work, and dis- cussion of individual topics rela- ting to, for example, town and land planning, issues in the so- ciology of towns and cities, settle- ment geography, regional issues, the economy of towns and cities, and the legal issues involved in planning. The congress is usually accompanied by local excursions, business negotiations and mee- tings of interest groups. Congres- ses are held in member countries, and focus on particular issues depending on the specific condi- tions of the time. It is always or- ganised by a university with a good name in a specialist field. Each year those attending the congress take an interest in local town planning issues and draw up local studies.
Urbani Izziv 2000, 11 (2)
SCHMEIDLER, Karel. “The XIV AESOP Congress in Brno Brno, 19.-22. July 2000.” Urbani Izziv, vol. 11, no. 2, 2000, pp. 120–24. JSTOR, Accessed 10 Dec. 2024.