Recording, evaluating and management of tangible and intangible cultural heritage, through a decisionmaking multi-criteria analysis

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Nowadays, we live and act in cities fulfilled with urban spaces, architecture and of course heritage culture, expressed by tangible and intangible assets. The last decade, the economic crisis, shows that cities and global heritage is demolished, damaged or in danger. This paper tries to identify culture in multilevel way, through space to global. As tourism is concerned with cultural (culture routes, touristic heritage attractions cities), this project aims to record culture from object to plan, including tangible and intangible assets. The paper, proposes a table, separated in tangible and intangible categories such as buildings, oral traditions, biodiversity etc. That’s a first step of a fully record of the heritage of a city. In a step below, criteria indicators are placed in each category, concerning to a decision-making analysis called MAUT. With this system each city can have a record, evaluation and knows which culture assets must save, manage, promote or protect first. The mainly idea of this project is to propose a new innovated system about urban culture, including multilevel heritage analysis and a new management system, which can be used for tourism, urban actions etc.
tangible assets, intangible assets, multicriteria analysis, culture