Integrative Urban Design Game: a method for sustainable regeneration of built cultural heritage

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Urban regeneration is challenged by the contradictory impact of globalization. This double- sided process can enrich local communities or leave them at the margins of global society. In the wake of globalization, most authorities claim that urban planning and design are in a paradigm crisis. This crisis is a forewarning for the need for a paradigm shift in contemporary theoretical and conceptual frameworks, the common elements of which are: ‘soft and hard infrastructure’, ‘agencies and structures’, ‘power to’, ‘new rationality’, ‘common sense’, ‘communicative action’ and ‘integrative development’. This research will examine the extended role of urban design to also become an integrating instrument in urban regeneration processes and provide a holistic development of the areas involved. Understood as a process of space creation, urban design with its different process dimensions, from subjective-expressive, multidisciplinary to socio-collaborative, can offer creative solutions in the regeneration process and globalization challenges using innovative methods like Integrative urban design.
Sustainability in heritage protected areas : Book of Proceedings of the 5th AESOP European Urban Summer School Tours, France, from 1st – 8th September 2014
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