Urban heritage of the everyday: street knowledge and social identities, intersections between urban form and social life, two audiovisual case studies

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As countries become ever more urbanized and cities densely populated, so does the diversity of their inhabitants grow and bring a plethora of divergent experiences, perceptions, cultures and needs. Planned urban interventions are usually built on knowledge sets developed over time under specific conditions and assume certain norms. Those ‘recognized and approved’ knowledge sets quite often do not take other, more common forms of knowledge into consideration, although these might be more adequate and yet less certain, or even professionally tested. This disengagement potentially leads to misunderstanding of relevant context and results in real problems in implementation, post-factum utilisation and ultimately of design failure: those who need to use the space can actually not appropriate it for their interests and purposes: good and bad design becomes relative to the eye of the street walker. A central aim of this investigation is the exploration of how potentially different forms of perception, understanding, and/ or different forms of knowledge around street space and its use to the city’s many inhabitants can be engaged with around designed urban interventions. The study focuses on the role of audiovisual communication as ‘other’ form of embedding cultural knowledge in urban interventions/ education within the public realm. The proposal is to focus on public space in the form of streets as active basic urban elements that can provide spaces for public engagement in more proactive ways, satisfying different aspirations and needs.
Proceedings of the IV World Planning Schools Congress, July 3-8th, 2016 : Global crisis, planning and challenges to spatial justice in the north and in the south
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