Grenoble-Alpes and the Ecological Transition : Territorial Planning in Motion

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In this article we make the following hypothesis: sustainable urban development and climate change adaptation policies have had significant effects on the reconfiguration of territorial planning systems, and we analyse this evolution in the context of a European territory. Since the early 2000s, the Grenoble metropolitan area has carried out a series of actions (tram and bicycle path network, adopting a “Plan climat”) and launched related projects (“Ecoquartiers”, “EcoCité”), which explains why it is often considered a pioneering territory in terms of sustainable development and adaptation to climate change. The revamping of public policies to better meet the challenges of ecological transition explains the overall transformation of the planning system that has been in effect until now. Moreover, for “Grenoble-Alpes Métropole”, the recent change of status is a moment of change for the territorial planning strategies. The establishment of the metropolis and the obligation it has to quickly have a “Plan local d’urbanisme intercommunal” now allow it to build a strategy based on a common vision of the urban area and its development. That’s why this strategy leads to the search for a kind of multilevel territorial planning that is flexible, proactive and in motion.
Ecological transition, Multilevel planning in motion, Urban demonstration projects, Grenoble-Alpes Métropole