Program 7th AESOP congress "Planning and Environment in Transforming Europe" Łódź, Poland 14-17 July

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WELCOME It is a great pleasure to welcome you to Łódź and the VII AESOP Congress, which is taking place for the first time in Central and Eastern Europe. As we move through the last decade of the 20th century, major changes in the European Community and the liberalisation of the central and eastern part of the continent lead us to a new range of social and economic problems. The organisation of the AESOP Congress in Poland should be considered as a contribution to the deeper understanding of these processes. "Planning and Environment in Transforming Europe" is the designated theme for the VII Congress. We hope that this international meeting will help to reflect on environmental challenges facing our continent as well as on spatial organisation of human activity, past and present, and to evaluate the choices for our future. The Congress is also expected to promote international research and educational activities by creating new possibilities of developing cooperation between academics from all parts of Europe, outline new orientations for research, and enhance the understanding of the role of planning in market economy of transforming Europe. Apart from scientific programme, throughout the three successive days of the Congress there will be interesting social events for participants and accompanying persons. Scientific field trips will provide an opportunity for not only confrontation of theoretical and empirical facets of our planning knowledge, but also of discovering the central region of Poland. On behalf of the Łódź University and the Organising Committee I take pleasure in inviting you to participate in the scientific and social programme of the Congress. We believe that with the contribution of all members the AESOP Congress in Łódź will prove successful. Tadeusz MARSZAŁ Congress Chair