Home parking and commuting: exploring new ways of estimating the impact of parking on mobility choices

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We explore how home parking quantity affects households’ choices of car ownership and commute mode in the Greater Wellington Region (GWR) in New Zealand. We consider socioeconomic characteristics of commuters from the New Zealand Household Travel Survey between 2003 and 2017, as well as commute time, and characteristics of the residential location. The research makes two important contributions to parking literature. First, we consider commute time for different modes instead of distance. Time better represents perception of commute length. Second, our work is regional in scale, including several urban and rural areas. Almost all current studies focus on urban areas. Results of this study show the significant impact of home parking quantity on car ownership and commute mode. Households with more parking at home tend to have more cars and drive to work. Wellington downtown is surrounded by sprawl suburbs with high residential parking supply. Therefore, spatial structure of the GWR and parking quantity encourage car trips to the downtown. More car trips mean greater demand for parking at the city centre. Hence, there is a relationship between home parking and work parking which is rarely studied in parking literature. This is the focus of our future research.
home parking, commute mode, sustainable mobility, Conditional Logit