The effect of national and local authorities in the context of the transformation of parks as public spaces: Ankara case study

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Public spaces are the spatial units of cities which are constituted for various purposes as meeting, recreation, leisure, relaxation and recovery for inhabitants of cities. Urban parks are considered as one of these mentioned public spaces here. The history of parks goes beyond to the earlier parts of the old times in the history. For different countries, the historical background, usage, management and spatial structure of parks may constitute different characteristics. For Turkey, the history of parks is not an old issue and the evolution of parks, including their usages and spatial forms, have been highly related with the governmental policies. In the context of Turkey, the evolution of parks has been depended on the effects of national and local authorities and several dynamics belongs to at that specific time periods for different national and local authorities. For instance, the usage of parks could transform one to another due to the decisions made by the actors of the national and local authorities. In accordance with their ideology and specific targets on space, national and local authorities can modify the usages and spatial boundaries of parks by means of legal and executive measures developed by themselves. One of the significant tools used by national and local authorities to adjust the spatial rules is the urban planning practice, as well as planning law. In the context of Turkish urban planning practice, parks are considered for the recreational purposes and included in the master plans are designed to meet the needs of social infrastructural areas and limited to certain spatial amounts by necessity defined by the related law, remains inadequate most of the time.
Proceedings of the IV World Planning Schools Congress, July 3-8th, 2016 : Global crisis, planning and challenges to spatial justice in the north and in the south
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