Mitigating or generating impact? 'Traffic Generating Poles' under a new mobility paradigm
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Urban mobility has reached a high level of importance in the debate about the production of cities that are socially inclusive and environmentally friendly. In Brazil, the city of São Paulo has, historically, oriented its public policies, concerning mobility, including the provision of infrastructure, towards motorized private modes. This political option has been adopted despite the fact that these modes are responsible only for around a third of the daily trips. Besides, the use of these modes raise with income, which means that lower income population are, in general, excluded from these policies and the use of this infrastructure. Furthermore, mobility solutions focused on motorized private modes have been proven unsustainable, producing deleterious effects. As an example, they have led the city to reach extremely high levels of traffic congestions, alongside an unacceptably low quality, or sometimes even lack, of public transport system and infrastructure for soft modes (e.g. pedestrians and cyclists).
Proceedings of the IV World Planning Schools Congress, July 3-8th, 2016 : Global crisis, planning and challenges to spatial justice in the north and in the south
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