City marketing in Medellin - Colombia: awards and good urban practices as a global reference

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“Cities can´t be totally global”. It is the statement of Doreen Massey, (1993 cited in Fortune and Silva, 2002, p. 443), who examines that before the social and cultural conditions that make up the city, a globalization of a few projects in the others localization. By this way, globalization generates its own opposition, allowing actions, groups or movements to break what otherwise would be an universal continuity of logic global institutional messages (Fortuna; Silva, 2002, p. 451). In Colombia, globalization and international policies has also affected the development of cities. In line with Peck and Theodore (2010, p. 171) "there is a pre-made market for Barcelona or Vancouver classes, in locations that are in line with current policies and ready to insert the cities in a global market to ensure possibility of making the local an overall practice". That is how the city of Medellin established in the global planning debates as a successful example and as a good practice, which has allowed to host some of the most important international events in the country, like a headquarter of the seventh World Urban Forum organized by UN-HABITAT in march 2014. But such recognition has been the result of several political processes where city marketing is the key element for the dissemination of urban practices and as advertising platform abroad. For Boneti (2007) “agents that define urban policies are not just national, and the programs and projects are not unique or different, as they are according to the global economy”.
Proceedings of the IV World Planning Schools Congress, July 3-8th, 2016 : Global crisis, planning and challenges to spatial justice in the north and in the south
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