Statistics for AESOP Eprints

Total visits

Book of abstracts : 35th AESOP Annual Congress Integrated planning in a world of turbulence, Łódź, Poland 11-15. 07. 2023 525
Book of proceedings : 35th AESOP Annual Congress : Integrated planning in a world of turbulence, Łódź, Poland 11-15. 07. 2023 359
Faludi - Introducing a Theory of Planning 123
Book of proceedings : Spaces of Dialog for Places of Dignity : Fostering the European Dimension of Planning 121
AESOP 2023 Congress : Full Program 76
Planning Practices and Theories from the Global South: Special Issue 76
Larry Susskind - Action-Reflection-Adaptation-Public Learning: Excerpts from the Life of a Pracademic 71
Master in Urban and Regional Planning (Norwegian University of Life Sciences - NMBU) 69
Watson - Planning from the South: Learning from academia, praxis and activism 61