1996 ACSP / AESOP Joint International Congress, Toronto, Canada, 25-28 July

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    ACSP I AESOP Joint International Congrcs. Toronto, Canada, 25-28 July 1996
    (International Planning History Society, 1996) Ward, Stephen V.
    Five years ago in 1991, the first joint conference of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) and the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP) took place at what was then Oxford Polytechnic in the historic city of Oxford in the United Kingdom. The 1996 Toronto conference was the 'return match', hosted by the Ryerson Polytechnic University and held at the Chelsea Delta Hotel, close to the metropolitan attractions of downtown Toronto. Predictably, the conference, in one of North America's most appealing cities, drew many hundreds of delegates, from both continents. There were no less than 19 subject 'tracks' running simultaneously, plus a poster 'track'. In total, something over 650 papers were programmed, together with 32 fieldtrips ('mobile workshops') and several plenary sessions. Elsewhere on the continent, so it was rumoured, the Olympic Games were taking place. Within all this activity there was a planning history track comprising almost thirty individual offerings, together with several historical papers scattered in other parts of the programme. As in all such events, it is difficult to convey a full flavour of what was on offer, but this review tries to record at least some fragments of the whole event that were particularly relevant to practitioners of planning history.