2024 - Ahead of the game: Reversibility, frugality and care in the context of urban transitions. Grenoble, July 3-6th

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    Program AESOP 2024 PhD Workshop Ahead of the game, Gredoble, July 3-6th
    (AESOP, 2024)
    In search of the caring city (Juliet Davies) From struggles to ageing well to the safety of children and young women to the loss of vital services in the context of conflict to the health issues brought about by pollution, to the detrimental impacts of urbanisation on the physical environment, cities are replete with issues that can be broadly conceptualised as issues of care. How, as urban scholars, do we identify these issues as such and research them, identifying pressing implications for urban planning and design? Conversely, how can we recognise places and practices that offer new, alternative and/or hopeful perspectives on the potential for care-full city-making, and on care itself? Drawing on her book ‘The Caring City,’ Professor Juliet Davis will address these questions, discussing in the process some of the challenges of working with care as a concept as with researching complex and often ambivalent contexts of urban care/ uncare. A planner walks into a bar (Ben Davy) «Analyzing humor is like dissecting a frog. Few people are interested and the frog dies of it» (E. B. White). Asking William of Baskerville (Il nome della rosa), the Joker (The Dark Knight) and Chat GPT for help, this keynote explores the role of humor for planners. Is planning „always Monday in an endless February“ (T. Swift)?
  • ItemOpen Access
    About the Grenoble PhD Workshop, July 3-6th 2024
    (AESOP, 2024)
    Thematic Workshops 1# The role of narrative in urban and planning research Room T204 Juliet Davis & Jean-Michel Roux 2# Supervising your supervisor: what can and should you expect from your supervisor? Room T205 Myriam Houssay & Renaud Le Goix 3# Alternative scientific writing: filmic methods Room T206 Noa Schumacher & Laure Brayer 4# Co-producing the research with non-academic actors Room T207 Adriana Diaconu & Frederic Santamaria
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    Report of the 2024 AESOP PhD Workshop
    (AESOP, 2025)
    Ahead of the game Reversibility, sufficiency and care in the context of urban transitions Faced with rapid and massive transformations, urban planning practice is compelled to change its core principles. Once land consuming, it must now be attentive to land take dynamics. Once delivering rigid infrastructural projects, it must now cater for increasingly diversified and everchanging needs. Once relying on massive resources, it must now find ways to mend the urban fabric without depleting much. Planners have to look ahead when it comes to buildings inherited from modern times or big events like the Olympic Games and adapt them to the challenges of the future. But how to plan today the inheritance of future generations? Planning differently becomes all the more difficult in a world of emergency and uncertainty, where shorttermism, urgency and endless experimentation prevail. Catering for space reversibility, planning with a frugal attitude, caring about humans and non-humans, for the living and nonliving... such guiding principles could help to deal with the urban fabric left "after the game" while planning "ahead of the game". The workshop was held under excellent conditions. The participants were very pleased with the relaxed yet studious atmosphere. The ice-breaking activities have allowed to creation very soon a pleasant dialogue between participants. The mentors have been very engaged and really enjoyed the discussions.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Photos from the 2024 AESOP PhD Worshop, Grenoble July 3-6th
    (AESOP, 2024)
    40 photos taken at the AESOP PhD Workshop, Ahead of the game Reversibility, sufficiency and care in the context of urban transitions, that took plase at Grenoble, France, in 2024, from 3 to 6th July.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Video: In search of the caring city
    (AESOP, 2024) Davis, Juliet
    What does this book set out to do? - recognising a breadth of care issues that are of relevance to urban environments and their design. - to consider some of the broad ways in which urban design positions and shapes care practices and relations and how, in the process, it can be considered as caring ... and as an ethical practice responding to care issues and contexts of various kinds. - to set out a configuration of aspects or dimensions of a caring city
  • ItemOpen Access
    Video: A planner walks into a bar
    (AESOP, 2024) Davy, Ben
    Keynote speech by Ben Davy, Professor of Urban Plannign and visiting professor at Johannesbourg University, - AESOP PHD Workshop, Grenoble, July 5th «Analyzing humor is like dissecting a frog. Few people are interested and the frog dies of it» (E. B. White). Asking William of Baskerville (Il nome della rosa), the Joker (The Dark Knight) and Chat GPT for help, Professor Ben Davy explores the role of humor for planners. Is planning 'always Monday in an endless February' (T. Swift)?