ExCo Meeting, Palermo (Italy) 23 November 2013
dc.date.accessioned | 2022-12-16T12:46:38Z | |
dc.date.available | 2022-12-16T12:46:38Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2013-11-23 | |
dc.description.abstract | This is the material for the Executive Committee Meeting, Palermo (Italy) on 23 November 2013 AGENDA PAST (10:05-10:30) 1. Dublin in retrospect: the congress and finances (GdR, GS, IM, ThM) 2. Info about Dialogues on Urban and Regional Planning (IM, consult minutes from Dublin) ONGOING (10:30-12:30) 3. Heads of Schools Meeting in Lisbon, March 2014 (GdR, IM, GS) 3.1. CoRep issues and set up 3.2. Heads of Schools Meeting: theme, keynotes, workshops, moderators 4. AESOP Finances: 4.1. How to improve AESOP payments (ThM) 4.2. Financial regulations for the members — update: acceptance of suspended members (IM, ThM, also consult minutes from Dublin) 4.3. Budget 2014 (ThM) Documents in the Files Repository 5. Update about AESOP Congresses 5.1. 2014 in Utrecht (GS, IM) 5.2. 2015 in Prague (GS, GdR, FLP) 6. AESOP going international: 6.1. GPEAN and AESOP Congresses (EB-S, consult minutes from Dublin) 6.2. Role of GPEAN interacting with ISOCARP (EB-S, IM, GdR) 6.3. AESOP-ASCP framework of collaboration (GdR, EB-S, consult minutes from Dublin) 6.4. Update about WPSC 2016 (EB-S) 7. Vice President's agenda (FLP) 8. Guidelines: 8.1. New guidelines for TG (IM, EB-S) to be uploaded to the Files Repository 8.2. New guidelines for applying for AESOP Congress/Heads of Schools (GS — see minutes from Dublin) to be uploaded to the Files Repository 8.3. General AESOP policy towards accepting new members (IM) 9. Young Academics Network 9.1. YA Network Cooperation Framework (LU, IM, GdR) to be uploaded to the Files Repository 9.2. AESOP&YA Booklet Series (GdR, LU, IM) 9.3. YA Seminar — Cities that talk (LU) 9.4. YA Website TOWARDS FUTURE (16:30-18:00) 10. Activities: 10.1. BELO (IM) 10.2. Lecture Series (IM) 10.3. EUSS (IM) 10.4. Sense of History (GdR) 10.5. InPlanning (GdR) 11. AOB 12. Closing (GdR) The item contains the following files (zipped): aesop-exco-meeting-23-22-2013-agenda-15-11-2013.pdf exco-resolutions-14-07-2013-05-09-2013.pdf intermediate-financial-statement-2013-budget-2014-11-11-2013.pdf minutes-from-the-exco-meeting-14-07-2013-in-dublin-05-09-2013.pdf thematic-groups-guidelines-21-11-2013.pdf | en |
dc.identifier.uri | https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14235/78 | |
dc.language.iso | en | |
dc.subject | Palermo | |
dc.subject | ExCo meeting 2013 | |
dc.subject | agenda | |
dc.subject | minutes | |
dc.subject | resolutions | |
dc.subject | financial statement | |
dc.subject | Thematic groups guidelines | |
dc.title | ExCo Meeting, Palermo (Italy) 23 November 2013 | |
dc.type | Working Paper |