ExCo Meeting, Lulea (Sweden) 26 February 2011

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This is the material for the ExCo Meeting held in Lulea (Sweden) on 26 February 2011 AGENDA Welcome (KLN) New AESOP Charter (IM/AG+ KLN) Debate and acceptance of final version of the Charter Financial matters (TM) including: budget of 24th AESOP Congress in Helsinki, costs of Treasures’s assistant, computer and software for AESOP, information about WPSC2011 fees for ExCo (AF, PS) information about financial needs from Thematic Groups (BB), presentation and acceptance of the final version of AESOP budget 2011 ExCo, CoRep and Heads of Schools 7-8 May 2011 Tirana (KLN+IM/AG): Final approval of the programme, Final approval of the guests invited by AESOP, Final approval of the workshops guidelines Quality Policy Report (MF) including King Saud University mission (cancellation) Experts’ Pool (note by Peter Ache) AESOP 2010/2015 Objectives prepared by Peter Ache (KLN+IM/AG): next step AOB The item contains the following documents (zipped) 01 ya-congrats-17-02-2011.doc 02 wpsc-2011-meetings-17-02-2011.pdf 03 un-habitat-aesop-memorandum-of-understanding-21-02-2011.pdf 04 Read me.rtf 05 project-from-maros-17-02-2011 (1).pdf 06 project-from-maros-17-02-2011.pdf 07 new-aesop-charter-25-01-2011.pdf 08 hos-tirana-proposal-15-02-2011.pdf 09 helsinki-loc-financial-report-17-02-2011.pdf 10 gpean-sc-20-02-2011.doc 11 gpean-members-20-02-2011.doc 12 gpean-info-20-02-2011.pdf 13 gpean-bylaws-20-02-2011.doc 14 gpean-and-wpsc2011-update-20-02-2011.zip 15 gpean-and-aesop-20-02-2011.doc 16 exco-meeting-26-28-february-2011-in-lulea-resolutions-01-01-2015.pdf 17 exco-meeting-26-28-february-2011-in-lulea-minutes-01-01-2015.pdf 18 euraxess-17-02-2011.pdf 19 application-guidelines-18-02-2011.doc 20 agenda-18-02-2011.pdf 21 aesop-objectives-2010-15-17-02-2011.pdf 22 aesop-expert-pool-17-02-2011.pdf
ya congrats, wpsc, memorandum-of-understanding, Tirana proposal, Financial report, minutes, agenda