ExCo Meeting, Gothenburg (Sweden) 26 November 2016

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This is the material for the Executive Committee Meeting, held in Gothenburg (Sweden) 26 November 2016 AGENDA Welcome address (AG) 1. Approval of the Agenda (AG, PP) F 2. Approval of the ExCo Meeting Minutes and Resolutions from Rio de Janeiro (AG, PP) F 3. Approval of the Leuven PhD Workshop Final Report (ZNB, PP) F 4. Progress report on the Congress 2017 Lisbon (ZNB, PP) F 5. Progress report on the PhD Workshop 2017 Aveiro (ZNB, PP) F 6. Progress report on the Heads of School Meeting 2017 Warsaw (ZNB, PP) 7. Congress 2018 Gothenburg (ZNB, PP) F 11:00 – 11:15 Coffee Break 8. Recommendation for AESOP membership (PP) F a. Department of Spatial Planing (University of Banja Luka) as Associate Member b. Mr. Syed Zaidi, Individual Member 9. Financial Matters (ThM) F a. Due payments members fees b. AESOP budget 2016: intermediate financial statement c. Budget 2017 (draft version) d. AESOP projects 2016: intermediate financial statement 10. Quality Recognition of Planning Programmes (AG, FLP, PP) a. Call for EEB Chair 11. GPEAN Report and UN Habitat Update (EBS) F 12. AESOP Transactions project (EBS) F 13. YA Network Report (KVB) F 14. New Project and/or Communication Officer 16:00 – 16:15 Coffee Break 15. AESOP Lecture Series Report (IM, PP) 16. European Urban Summer School Report (IM, PP) 17. Next AESOP Calls F 18. Report on AESOP legal status (PP) 19. Report on InPlanning (PP) F 20. AOB a. TG Sustainable Food Planning Funding Bid b. International Internship Database c. AESOP Office in Brussels The item contains the following files (zipped): aesop-2017-lisbon-congress-presentation-22-11-2016.pdf aesop-2017-phd-workshop-aveiro-list-of-tutors-25-11-2016.docx aesop-2018-gothenburg-congress-agreement-draft-22-11-2016.docx aesop-draft-budget-2017-16-11-2016.pdf aesop-due-membership-fees-15-nov-2016-16-11-2016.pdf aesop-intermediate-financial-statement-2016-16-11-2016.pdf aesop-tg-sustainable-food-planning-funding-bid-22-11-2016.pdf agenda-of-the-exco-meeting-26th-november-gothenburg-07-11-2016.pdf application-for-associate-membership-21-11-2016.pdf application-for-individual-membership-21-11-2016.pdf asesop-projects-2016-current-status-16-11-2016.pdf curia-memo-inplanning-21-11-2016.pdf financial-report-of-the-aesop-phd-workshop-in-leuven-07-11-2016.pdf general-report-of-the-aesop-phd-workshop-in-leuven-07-11-2016.pdf gpean-update-19-11-2016.pdf minutes-of-the-exco-meeting-02nd-july-2016-rio-de-janeiro-07-11-2016.pdf resolutions-of-the-exco-meeting-02nd-july-2016-rio-de-janeiro-07-11-2016.pdf review-for-associate-membership-university-banja-luka-21-11-2016 (1).pdf review-for-associate-membership-university-banja-luka-21-11-2016.pdf services-required-for-online-openaccess-publication-20-11-2016.pdf site-visit-exco-meeting-november-24-26-aesop-2018-07-11-2016.pdf The item contains the following files (zipped): This is the material for the Executive Committee Meeting, held in Gothenburg (Sweden) 26 November 2016 transactions-journal-progress-report-20-11-2016.pdf ya-presentation-gothenburg-2016-exco-meeting-26-11-2016.pdf
Gothenburg, 2016, ExCo meeting, minutes, agenda