ExCo Meeting, Madrid (Spain), 11 March 2015

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This is the material for the Executive Committee Meeting, held in Madrid (Spain), 11 March 2015 AGENDA 1. Agenda (FLP) 2. Approval of the ExCo meeting minutes from Brussels (FLP, IM) M 3. AESOP Heads of Schools Meeting & Plaza for Excellence in Education in Madrid final report (FLP, IM, GS) 3.1. Meeting with representatives of Spanish planning schools – final report 3.2. CoRep meeting – final report 3.3. Heads of Schools & Plaza for Excellence in Education - final report 4. AESOP Congress 2015 in Prague and PhD Workshop in Stara Lesna update (GS, IM) M 4.1. Programme of the Congress 4.2. AESOP meetings at the Congress 4.3. Programme of the PhD Workshop 5. Bids for AESOP Congress 2017 and AESOP PhD Workshop 2016 (GS, IM) M 5.1. Congress 2017: University of Glasgow 5.2. Congress 2017: University of Gothenburg (in collaboration with Chalmers University of Technology, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Blekinge Institute of Technology) 5.3. Congress 2017: University of Lisbon (IGOT, IST and FA) 5.4. PhD Workshop 2016: University of Leuven 6. Reframing the strategy and structure of AESOP partnerships (FLP, IM) M 6.1. Information about existing MoUs 6.2. Memorandum of Understanding with International Planning History Society 6.3. AESOP endorsement to partner organisation Congresses 6.4. Framework of cooperation with Chinese planning schools 7. GPEAN and WPSC 2016 (EBS, GS, FLP, IM) M 7.1. GPEAN update 7.2. WPSC 2016 track titles 7.3. Confirmation of WPSC 2016 co-chairs recommended by AESOP 7.4. Information about the Congress in the Internet 7.5. Organisation of the AESOP events/meetings during the WPSC 2016 8. Award Committees Guidelines (FLP, IM) M 9. YA report (LU) M 9.1. YA plan of activities 2015 9.2. YA Elections 2015 10. AESOP Projects (GdR, FLP, IM): M 10.1.InPlanning 10.2.Quality Recognition for the European Dimension in Planning Programmes, including reframing of name and structure of the AESOP Expert Pool 10.3.EUSS 10.4.AESOP Identity 10.5.BELO/EU Projects 11. Financial issues (ThM): M 11.1.Treasurer’s Report 11.2.Financial Statement 2014 11.3.Final Congress Report and Financial Report from the 2014 AESOP Congress in Utrecht/Delft (GS, ThM) 11.4.Auditors Report on Financial Statement 2014 11.5.State of AESOP membership payment 11.6.Members to be suspended in 2015 11.7.AESOP Budget 2015 11.8.AESOP Project Budgets 2015 12. AESOP Online Journal proposal (EBS) M 13. AESOP Thematic Groups (EBS, IM) 13.1.Information from the Thematic Groups 13.2.Information about Annual Reports 13.3.Information about AESOP support for the Thematic Groups 14. UN-Habitat update (EBS) 15. Heads of Schools 2016 in Thessaloniki update (GS) 16. AOB 17. Closing (FLP) The item contains the following files (zipped): aesop-assets-2014-10-02-2015.pdf aesop-budget-2015-27-02-2015.pdf aesop-financial-audit-2014-10-02-2015.pdf aesop-financial-statement-2014-10-02-2015.pdf aesop-online-journal-06-03-2015.doc aesop-online-journal-budget-proposal-06-03-2015.doc aesop-treasurers-report-2014-27-02-2015.pdf application-for-aesop-funding-09-01-2015.doc applications-for-aesop-project-budgets-23-02-2015.xls draft-minutes-of-exco-meeting-21-nov-2014-in-brussels-05-01-2015.doc draft-minutes-of-exco-meeting-21-nov-2014-in-brussels-05-01-2015.pdf exco-meeting-11-03-2015-in-madrid-agenda-14-02-2015.pdf exco-meeting-21-nov-2014-in-brussels-minutes-19-02-2015.pdf gpean-update-06-03-2015.doc guidelines-for-prizes-committees-03-03-2015.ppt inplanning-04-03-2015.doc new-role-structure-and-name-of-the-expert-pool-06-03-2015.doc un-habitat-update-06-03-2015.doc young-academics-network-charter-19-02-2015.pdf
assets, budget, financial audit, financial statement, online journal budget, treasurer report, application for funding, project budget, minutes, agenda, GPEAN update, Guidelines for prizes committees, inplanning, un habitat update, YA network charter