ExCo Meeting, Prague (Czech Republic), 11 July 2015

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This is the material for the Executive Committee Meeting, held in Prague (Czech Republic), 11 July 2015 AGENDA 1. Approval of the agenda of the meeting (FLP) M 2. Approval of the ExCo meeting minutes from Madrid (FLP) M 3. Council of Representatives meeting and General Assembly agendas (FLP, IM) M 4. Recommendation for the AESOP new members (IM) 4.1. Free University of Brussels, Department of Geography 4.2. University of Memphis, Department of City and Regional Planning 4.3. University of Prishtina, Department of Architecture 5. State of payment of the membership fees (ThM) M 6. Approval of the list of the members to be suspended by the Council (ThM) M 7. Approval of the financial support for the Thematic Groups: Sustainable Food Planning and Public Spaces & Urban Cultures (IM) M 8. Final Congress General Report and Financial Report from the AESOP 2014 Congress in Utrecht (GS, ThM) M 9. Report on the development of WPSC in Rio de Janeiro 2016 (GS, EB-S, IM) 10. Report on the development of PhD workshop in Leuven (GS, IM) 11. Progress on preparation of the AESOP Heads of Schools and Plaza for Excellence in Education in Thessaloniki in 2016 (GS) 12. Plan for site visit and negotiation with LOC in Lisbon (GS, PP) 13. Future Contracts for AESOP Conferences (GS, IM) M 14. ExCo meeting in autumn: date and place (PP) 15. Development of “Quality Recognition for the European Dimension in Planning Programmes” project after the workshop in Madrid: from pilot to standard phase (FLP) M 16. Future development of InPlanning (GdR), including M 16.1.Policy 16.2.Progress achieved so far 16.3.Website 16.4.General Editorial Board 17. Agenda for the meetings with the Thematic Groups on the first day of the Congress (IM, FLP, PP, EB-S) M 18. Information about applications for the Chair of the AESOP Excellence in Teaching Award Committee (IM) M 19. Requests from the Award Committees (IM) M 20. Information about applications for AESOP President 2016-2018 M 21. Information about cooperation with AESOP partner journals: disP, EPS, EJoSD (IM) 22. Update on GPEAN Dialogues book (EB) 23. AESOP Journal of the best track conference papers and thematic groups proposal (EB, NK) M 24. Update about UN Habitat and Request of Push, Palermo (EB, FLP) 25. YA Report (NC), including: M 25.1.Introduction of the new YA Coordination Team 25.2.YA plan of activities 2015-2016 26. Report from PhD workshop in Stara Lesna (IM, NC) 27. Cross membership between AESOP and Civilscape (FLP) 28. Memorandum of Understanding with Chinese Schools (GdR) M 29. Procedure for AESOP Projects budgets: update on technical and financial management (ThM) 30. AOB 31. Closing (FLP) The item contains the following files (zipped): aesop-executive-committee-meeting-11-07-2015-in-prague-agenda-17-06-2015.pdf aesop-online-journal-budget-proposal-27-06-2015.doc aesop-online-journal-concept-note-update-27-06-2015.doc application-tg-public-spaces-for-aesop-funding-11-05-2015.pdf application-tg-sustainable-food-planning-for-aesop-funding-11-05-2015.pdf draft-minutes-of-exco-meeting-11-march-2015-in-madrid-26-04-2015.doc due-membership-fees-members-to-be-suspended-03-07-2015.pdf minutes-of-the-exco-meeting-11-march-2015-in-madrid-26-06-2015.pdf qr-proposal-draft-ppt-11-07-2015.doc report-from-the-workshop-on-aesop-quality-recognition-for-planning-programs-17-05-2015.pdf standard-phase-of-the-quality-recognition-project-10-06-2015.pdf ya-report-06-07-2015.pdf
Prague, 2015, Budget proposal, online journal concept, funding, minutes, agenda, quality recognition, YA report