ExCo Meeting Gdansk (Poland) 11 April 2013

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This is the material for the Executive Committee Meeting, held in Gdansk (Poland) 11 April 2013 AGENDA PAST (10:05–10:30): 1. Confirmation minutes from ExCo meeting 15 November 2012, Groningen (GdR) M1 2. Information abut past events: AESOP-IFHP Lecture Series: Lecture 4 Peter Hall in London, Lecture 5 Juval Portugali (IM, VP) 3. PhD Seminar in Vienna (GdR, VP) ON-GOING AND FORTHCOMING (10:30:12:30): 1. Membership issues (IM) 2. Information about Thematic Groups (IM) 3. Application for AESOP support from Thematc Groups (IM) M2 4. Information about AESOP Committees (IM) 5. Approval of the new members of the Best Published Paper Award (IM) 6. Financial issues (ThM) M3 7. Brief information about Dublin Congress (GdR, GS & IM) 8. Application for AESOP Congress 2015 (Prague, Lisbon): recommendations (GS) M4 9. Application for AESOP auditors (Andreas Voigt, Louis Albrechts): recommendation (ThM, IM) 10. Application for GPEAN Representative (Paolo Silva, Ela Bablik-Sutcliffe): recommendation (IM) M5 11. European Urban Summer School (EUSS) 2013 and 2014 brief information (IM) 12. Forthcoming calls for events: Heads of Schools 2015, 2016 (IM) 13. State of art with on-going projects (GdR, IM, VP) 14. Format of YA Booklet Series (GdR, VP) 15. Brief information about the project ‘Making Sense Together’ (GdR) Towards FUTURE (14:30–17:00): 1. Debate on intercontinental AESOP activities. Framework of cooperation with GPEAN and ACSP (GdR, AF) M6 2. Debate on AESOP Congress in Utrecht (GS, GdR, IM): framework programme, tracks, chairs and mobile workshops 3. AESOP-ISOCARP Bridging Education and Practice Working Group – presentation of the working plan (GdR, IM) 4. YA Plans for 2013–2014 (VP) 5. ‘Sense of History’ Project brief info (GdR, IM) 6. ‘AESOP Digital Platform’ Project Digital info (GdR, IM) 7. Policy towards cooperation with partner journals (IM, GdR) 8. AOB 9. Conclusions (GdR) The item contains the following files (zipped): aesop-exco-meeting-11-04-2013-gdansk-agenda-04-04-2013.pdf important-directions-gdansk-03-04-2013.pdf m1-minutes-exco-meeting-groningen-15-nov-2012-26-02-2013.pdf m2a-planningconflict-lisbon2013-aesop-funding-bid-1-03-04-2013.pdf m2b-planningconflict-lisbon2013-aesop-funding-bid-2-03-04-2013.pdf m2c-planningconflict-lisbon2013-aesop-funding-bid-3-03-04-2013.pdf m2d-planningconflict-lisbon2013-aesop-funding-bid-4-03-04-2013.pdf m3a-aesop-treasurers-report-2012-27-03-2013.pdf m3b-schedule-finances-2014-27-03-2013.pdf m3c-aesop-budget-2013-27-03-2013.pdf m3d-aesop-financial-statement-2012-27-03-2013.pdf m3e-aesop-assets-2012-27-03-2013.pdf m4a1-congress-2015-bid-prague-1-03-04-2013.doc m4a1-congress-2015-bid-prague-2-03-04-2013.doc m4b-congress-2015-bid-lisbon-cesur-igot-03-04-2013.pdf m5a1-gpean-rep-application-ebs-cv-03-04-2013.pdf m5a2-gpean-rep-application-ebs-motivation-statement-03-04-2013.pdf m5b-gpean-rep-appliaction-ps-motivation-statement-and-cv-03-04-2013.pdf
agenda, minutes, funding, treasurers report, financial statements, assets, motivation statement