ExCo Meeting Porto (Portugal), 14 November 2015

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This is the material for the Executive Committee Meeting, held in Porto (Portugal), 14 November 2015 AGENDA Welcome address (FLP) Approval of the Agenda (FLP, PP) F Approval of the ExCo Meeting Minutes from Prague F (FLP, PP) F AESOP Heads of Schools Meeting & Plaza for Excellence in Education in Thessaloniki (FLP, GS, PP) Theme and Workshops Format and dates Keynotes Local session and site visit AESOP Congress 2015 Prague Final Report and Financial Report (GS, ThM) F Stara Lesna PhD Workshop Final Report (NC) F Progress report on WPSC in Rio, 2016 (GS, EBS, PP) AESOP meetings (ExCo, CoRep, GA, TGs, Editorial Boards) F AESOP Contracts (GS) F Final balance of suspended members (ThM, PP) F Financial matters (ThM) F Intermediate Financial Statement Provisional Budget 2016 Management procedure for AESOP projects (ThM) F Evaluation of the application for AESOP membership (PP) ESSEC GPEAN Annual Meeting Report UN Habitat update AESOP Transactions project (EBS) F Progress report on the InPlanning project (FLP, PP) F AESOP publications (PP) F Preparation of AESOP contributions to disP Cooperation with Routledge Experts Pool (FLP, PP) YA Network (NC) F Financial Report Publications Interaction with partners (FLP, PP) MoU with Civilscape MoU with Chinese Schools Excellence in Teaching Award Committee (PP) F Call for AESOP Event Officer (PP) TG reports and activities (PP) F Request for financial support from TG Ethics, Values and Planning Information about EUSS (PP) * Information about AESOP-ERSA Lecture Series (PP) * Accreditation of Polis University, Albania AOB The item contains the following files (zipped): 2015-aesop-ya-financial-report-13-11-2015.doc 2015-aesop-ya-sessions-at-the-urban-thinker-campus-palermo-italy-06-11-2015.doc aesop-and-taylor-francis-new-agreement-proposal-10-11-2015.pdf aesop-congress-2015-prague-final-report-13-11-2015.pdf aesop-congress-2015-prague-financial-report-13-11-2015.pdf aesop-contributions-to-disp-13-11-2015.doc aesop-due-membership-fees-13-11-2015.xls aesop-phd-workshop-contract-2016-changes-since-2013-13-11-2015.doc aesop-projects-08-11-2015.pdf aesop-s-inplanning-the-future-of-sharing-knowledge-13-11-2015.doc aesop-s-tg-funding-bid-from-tg-ethics-values-and-planning-11-11-2015.dsoc agenda-of-the-exco-meeting-14th-november-porto-13-11-2015.doc agreement-on-congress-generic-2015-with-changes-since-2013-docx-13-11-2015.doc appendix-to-gpean-annual-meeting-report-04-11-2015.doc budget-2016-draft-08-11-2015.pdf excellence-in-teaching-award-committee-2015-2016-13-11-2015.doc factsheet-transactions-of-aesop-journal-project-04-11-2015.doc gpean-annual-meeting-report-04-11-2015.doc inplanning-report-2015-budget-proposal-2016-13-11-2015.doc intermediate-financial-statement-31-10-2015-08-11-2015.pdf minutes-of-the-exco-meeting-11th-july-2015-prague-23-10-2015.pdf practical-information-exco-porto-lisbon-10-11-2015.doc programme-of-the-lisbon-meeting-16th-november-2015-04-11-2015.pdf report-2015-aesop-phd-workshop-stara-lesna-slovakia-13-11-2015.doc resolutions-of-the-exco-meeting-11th-july-2015-prague-23-10-2015.pdf update-on-transactions-of-aesop-journal-project-04-11-2015.doc
YA financial report, final report, financial report, contributions to DISP, membership fees, PhD workshop, sharing knowledge, funding bid, budget, GPEAN annual report, minutes, agenda