2015 City on water 6th AESOP European Urban Summer School
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Item Open Access City on water : Proceedings of the 6th AESOP European Urban Summer School 2015, Bremen(AESOP, 2016) Warsewa, GünterThe publication of the book documenting our London summer school was possible thanks to the integration of the Young Planning Professionals Award (YPPA) into the 3rd EUSS. The YPPA was an annual international competition for three years (2012-2014) funded by the Directorate responsible for spatial planning at the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment (mI&M). Its primary aim was to stimulate thinking and promote innovative ideas amongst young planning practitioners on how spatial planning in Europe can deal with important present-day challenges and transformations facing our human settle¬ments and surrounding areas. The underlying thinking was that it is largely the younger generation (< 35) of planning professionals who will have to come up with the answers, as it is they who will have the responsibility to plan and develop our cities and regions in the future. This is very much in line with the aims of the EUSS. Secondary aims were to bring young practitioners and academics in working contact with each other and to encourage a better cooperation between the international planning organisations and try and reduce the fragmentation of their efforts regarding young planning professionals. The integration of the YPPA into the EUSS was on all three accounts therefore very logical, and mI&M was ready to expand its sponsorship of YPPA into an integrated publication of the combined proceedings. The YPPA winners got free participation at the EUSS and presented their papers at a special YPPA session. This grant was a good opportu¬nity to develop closer collaboration between AESOP, IFHP and ISOCARP.Item Open Access From grey to green - Regeneration of the Aller- Harbour Areain Bremen- Hemelingen(AESOP, 2016) Rembarz, Katarzyna; Shin, Heewan; Koshy, Mrudhula; Knyzelite, Evelina; O’Connor, OliviaThe area of study which we were given as a group was Hemelingen, Aller-Harbour, Bremen. This area is located in the eastern part of Bremen on the river Weser. The area is considered to be in a commercial and harbour area. This area produces a fifth of Bremen’s gross domestic product. The is a rich industrial past. There are many companies located here that export internationally, these include Coca-Cola, Mercedes Benz, Daimler AG and Atlas Electronik. Aller- Harbour is one of the three inland shipping ports. In this area there are two residential areas, these are Hemelingen and Sebaldbruck. These are highly densely populated, however these areas are cut off from the harbour by a large motorway. At Stadwerder there is a nature reserve and recreational area. This area is only a short distance away but unfortunately is separated by the infrastructure present. Over the last number of years shipping has moved outwards towards the Bremerhaven which is closer to the North Sea. This is due to much larger ships and a change in technology. The main industry now in Hemelingen is the large coal fuelled electricity plant, which is expected no to exist into the next thirty years due to advances in biotechnology.Item Open Access Green Creative Cities : On Contemporary Urban Developments in European Port Cities(AESOP, 2016) Müller, Anna-LisaUrban revitalization strategies imply principles to transform urban areas. These principles are urban planning paradigms as they are subject to planning “fashions” (see Streich 2005) and thus to social, political, and economic ideologies. Therefore, they can also be labeled as programmatic principles. In this paper, urban revitalization strategies are conceptualized as constitutive parts of the greater planning strategies applied in a city. Such planning strategies aim at influencing a city’s development, either in terms of conservation or transformation. The formulation of certain planning strategies is a reaction to social, political, and economic developments within a society. Although planning paradigms and the connected strategies travel around the world as “traveling concepts” (Czarniawska and Sevón 2005), the planning strategies applied in a special city have concrete characteristics. They can be described as locally specific reactions to – again locally specific – societal phenomena. This paper argues that a combination of the paradigms of sustainability and creativity is currently used for transforming industrial port cities into creative sustainable cities (Müller 2013). Based on empirical data from the cities of Dublin (Ireland) and Gothenburg (Sweden), I show that the sustainability paradigm is combined with the creative city paradigm to revitalize inner-city quarters in port cities. This revitalization strategy is part of a greater urban planning strategy. It includes a focus on the creative class (Florida 2004) and aims at integrating the old in the new, both in architectural and social terms. With this, it tries to be an integrative urban revitalization strategy.Item Open Access Interspace – а space between the disciplines(AESOP, 2016) Mansfeld, UlrikeEvery year, the School of Architecture in the Faculty of Architecture, Building and Environment, with its Master’s degree course in Architecture & Environmental Design at the Bremen University of Applied Sciences, and the Systems and Structures Studio for the degree course in Integrated Design at the University of the Arts in Bremen organise an interdisciplinary, project-based course. The second-semester master’s degree students from each university come together in Bremen’s ‘Centre for Building Culture’ to address current issues concerning the designing of our environment.Item Open Access Metropolitan dimension of Tri-City: Development of the new harbor structures(AESOP, 2016) Lorens, PiotrEconomic and political transformation after 1989 brought entirely new situation to Polish cities, which include also the harbor ones. In specific, the existing Baltic Sea ports had to face significant changes. They were associated both with new development opportunities and threats, emerging – among others – from the new geography of logistics links. These were based on the fact that both north-south and east-west transportation corridors were made available, which brought new development conditions to our cities. Among others, the large share of cargo was redirected from mainland Poland and other former socialistic countries to the German, Dutch, French and Mediterranean ports. This – to large extend – diminished the economic situation of the existing ports. At the same time connections to Scandinavian countries were re-opened, which effected in large increase of the cargo shipment in this direction. Besides these, the Polish seaports had to face rapid changes in the structure of cargo – which includes emergence of the new type of goods and vanishing traditional type of cargo – including coal i.e.Item Open Access Planning outside the box of planning cultures : The virtue of designing urban landscapes in Bremen Blumenthal and Hemelingen within the European Urban Summer School(AESOP, 2016) Andreas, VerenaThis chapter gives an introduction to the planning and working phase of the EUSS summer school. The central approaches of the concept development are introduced and the group work reflected. Therefore it is important not to think only about the how and what of the process but also about the why and what for. Besides the positive learning effects of the participants through the challenge of designing a project in a new and unfamiliar context there are also virtues for the targeted city which could lie in the new and independent thinking outside of the local culture of planning.Item Open Access ReconnACT Blumenthal to the water(AESOP, 2016) Restemeyer, Britta; Motta Zanin, Giulia; Kötterheinrich, Marie; Chan Lok Hei, PatriciaThe concept “ReconnACT Blumenthal to the water” is made for a particular area in the north of Bremen, Blumenthal, which is currently in a transition phase from an industrial to a post- industrial urban district. In line with the general theme of the summer school, “City on Water”, making connections between the water and the city is central to this concept. Blumenthal’s proximity to the river ‘Weser’ is considered as a main chance. However, Blumenthal is not an area where usual waterfront developments, i.e. creating space for retail and rather luxury housing as can be seen in Hamburg, Barcelona, London and elsewhere, would work. Given the magnitude of social problems in Blumenthal, we aimed at creating a socially acceptable waterfront. Our concept therefore does not only stress physical connections with the water, but also social connections, which may pave the ground for revitalization and social integration in the future.Item Open Access Space and the city: reflecting the significance of spatial categories in urban studies(AESOP, 2016) Lossau, JuliaIn recent decades “space” has become a central concept in both the social sciences and the humanities. In line with a much-quoted remark by Michel Foucault, alleging that the “present epoch will perhaps be above all the epoch of space” (Foucault 1986: 23), many disciplines – from sociology and political science to cultural and literary studies – have witnessed a revitalization of spatial categories: notions like “space”, “place”, “topography” or “topology” have been taken up again in disciplines that have previously been characterized by a certain “oblivion of space” (Werlen 2000). Despite the fact that questions of space have been discussed for quite some time now, the contours of what is actually under debate have remained surprisingly blurred. This may on the one hand be due to the large number of disciplines involved which, despite all rhetoric of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary, have pursued their own interests in and with spatial categories. On the other hand, “space” has remained a word with almost magic power, capable of “conjuring up exactly what is supposed to be said” (Nassehi 1998: 152, transl. JL).Item Open Access Temporalities of the Port, Waterfront and Port City(AESOP, 2016) Hein, CarolaPorts are the pulse of port cities.1 Looking outward, ports and port cities together give rhythm to the constant daily flows of goods and people around the globe. With repetition, these flows and times write themselves into the urban environment. But within these flows, economic time and citizen time compete. First, in the daily and seasonal rhythm of the port, humans and of machines work at different speeds while also interacting; and that relationship changed dramatically in the 20th century. During the many the centuries that ports and cities were integrated, shipping depended both on the availability of manpower and good climatic conditions. With the increased use of technology since the 19th century, and especially since the containerization that started in 1960s, ports and cities started to move apart, machines took over more jobs, and weather mattered less. Even though ports and cities are no longer spatially intertwined, ports now reach into their neighboring cities and hinterlands, competing daily and seasonally for space and infrastructure and interfering with the slower rhythms of cities, where human time still plays a role.Item Open Access The Culture of the Port City(AESOP, 2016) Warsewa, GünterWhen talking or thinking about culture, and especially local culture, it is often about those obvious symbols, artefacts and behaviours we can perceive directly on the surface: Specialised architecture, regional dishes, traditional festivities, typical dialects etc. But, all this is nothing more than an expression of collectively shared meanings, expectations, norms and values characterising a certain locality or community. In this sense urban culture is much more than just the ensemble of symbols around us; it is an extremely important determinant of our thinking, understanding and decision making. In twofold respect this fact is of high relevance for urban planning: (1) Planning and a certain planning culture are without any doubt operating in the framework of a wider local culture and therefore they can transcend the cultural peculiarity of a given place only in a limited way; (2) planners as well as most of the other actors in urban development and local policy are not only specialised professionals but also residents of a certain place and as such they are affected by that framework and contribute to produce and reproduce local culture. Meaning and relevance of the local culture in this sense will be analysed in the case of European port cities in the following.Item Open Access Waterfront for All : Summary of the EUSS 2015(AESOP, 2016) Lorens, Piotr; Mironowicz, IzabelaBremen – as a perfect example of the post- industrial city – can be regarded as a laboratory for an urban transformation. Once playing extremely important role in the maritime transportation network, today can be seen as a place looking for the new concepts for its previously vibrant waterfront areas. With no doubts, these places represent a huge development potential. But at the same time the areas in question are becoming a great problem for the city – as their development capacity (measured – in the simplest way – by the amount of square kilometers awaiting redevelopment) is way too big for the needs and opportunities of the “traditional” model of the urban waterfront renewal. In fact, one project of this kind is more than enough for the needs of the local market – the “Übersee-Stadt”, once completed, will become an excellent extension of the existing city center, representing the example of well-established tradition of high-profile redevelopment waterfront site.Item Open Access Yacht as a part of city public space(AESOP, 2016) Rembarz, KatarzynaTechnology development in the field of maritime transport reflected immediately in demands aimed to ports’ infrastructure, size, location and connected land transportation. Harbors started to be redeveloped but quickly turned out that new standards are much too higher to face them up because of the lack of space. In many cases the only solution was to move out of the city to a new place. This process released from industry large areas in good location, very often close to the historical old town. Because of this and attractive vicinity of water they started to be an integral part of the center. Leaving cities ports left its immovable infrastructure as cranes, wharfs, docks, inner harbors etc. The most natural and easiest way to adopt them to new functions was to change them into yacht harbors. And that is a moment when we face question about methods of this transformation. Will we choose the easiest way and simply exchange ships to yachts rearranging infrastructure due to new requirements or will we act more profoundly by analyzing specificity and potential of new function? Below I feature some reflections about yacht harbors and will also try to look at them in a non-common way to discover their role in creating city public space.